Audit <span>&</span> Assurance
Audit <span>&</span> Assurance

Audit & Assurance

Audit of Financial Statements prepared under IFRS and Gibraltar GAAP

Our audit comprises the independent examination of the companies’ general purpose financial statement carried out under International Standards on Auditing (ISAs)and expressing our opinion on those statements. Our services in this area:

+ Statutory audit

Companies with assessable income in Gibraltar equal to or greater than £1.25m are required to have their financial statements audited by an independent auditor. In addition, banks, insurance companies, companies authorised by the Gibraltar Financial Services Commission, public limited companies and all companies that meet the definition of medium or large private companies under the Gibraltar Companies Act, also require an independent audit.

We provide audit services to companies that are not required by law or regulator but whose directors or shareholders have requested

Assurance Services

We also carry out procedures which does not require the independent examination of the financial statements and they include:

Agreed-upon procedures

Audit of company’s internal control

Review of financial statements

Tax Services

Our services include the following:

  • Preparation of corporate tax computations
  • Completion of Tax Returns - Form CT1 (Companies), Form IT1S (Self employed), Form IT1P (Personal)
  • Consultancy for personal, corporation and self employed tax matters

We offer our experience in relation to the setting up and conducting business in a tax efficient manner in Gibraltar together with guidance into the key aspects of establishing an entity. 

We also offer tax support to ensure clients maintain compliance with the tax authorities.